Consumereklamo app is developed to provide an easy means for consumers to make an online complaint. Consumers can have a simple, straightforward, and productive complaining experience. It can be accessed using a desktop or laptop computer, a portable hand-held device like a cellphone, and maybe viewed anytime, anywhere, as long as there is a WIFI or data. It will help the consumers access an easy and user-friendly way of airing their sentiments, especially concerning deceptive, unfair, and unconscionable sales acts and practices.

This Web App uses PHP and MySQL as its backbone and will be accessed using web browsers. It will provide an opportunity for the government to provide an immediate response to consumer complaints and identify areas for improvement in policies, guidelines, and procedures related to consumer protection services. During this pandemic, face to face transactions is highly discouraged. Hence, having an accessible and user-friendly web application will be of great assistance to consumers, specifically in Camarines Norte.

A well-informed and vigilant consumer is the best protected consumer