DTI is committed to providing a fair, timely, and professional response to your feedback. Complaints and requests for review of our processes help us continuously improve the quality of our services and communications.



Consumereklamo allow customers to submit their complaints directly to DTI and for DTI personnel to be notified immediately whenever a complaint has been submitted. This will also group all DTI complaints submitted thru the app into a single dashboard where some DTI personnel can review each and every complaint and do the necessary investigation and actions needed. Complainants and DTI personnel can also communicate with each other thru the app and is able to check the progress of the complaint.

The DTI side of the App

  • Dashboard

    • Complaints – Where all submitted complaints are being listed chronologically.

      • Review a certain complaint

      • Give feedback or update to a certain complaint.

      • Mark complaint as solved

      • View a complaint on progress.

      • View complaints that are marked solved

  • Complaint Statistics – Where they can view the numbers of monthly complaints, number of monthly solved complaints, etc…

  • Email notification on both sides.

The Complainant side of the App

  • Web Form – Where the complainant fills up a form to give certain information

    • The complainant’s personal information and contact details

    • The details of the complaint

    • Attach supporting documents to the complaint

  • Capability to check complaint progress and status

  • Email notification on both sides.

  • Chat with a DTI Personnel.

Consumereklamo is accessible thru a web browser from any platform, may it be iOS, Android, Mac, Windows and even Ubuntu. Its purpose is to organize all DTI complaints in a single dashboard thus record keeping and progress tracking of each complaint can be handled with ease and to avoid misplaced complaint records and supporting documents.

A well-informed and vigilant consumer is the best protected consumer